Wednesday, May 31, 2006

A less-than-perfect town councilor

Herewith, an apology from Town Council Chair Gary Foster:

"From: Gary Foster [] Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 10:46 AM
To: Lynn & Mark OlsonCc: John Welch; Denise Duda; Andy Upham; Skip CraneSubject: Re: Finance Committee

Hi Lynn,

The reason for this inaccuracy was my error in drafting the notice. However, there was staff present at the Town Office to direct anyone wishing to attend to Stimson Hall.
This was not the regularly scheduled Finance Committee meeting, but was arranged to review and discuss the financial services bid only.
We chose Stimson Hall for this meeting as there is limited space in the Finance Director's office. I inadvertently posted the time at 7:30, that being the usual time for Finance Committee meetings. The reason for scheduling the meeting for 8:00 A.M. was to accommodate TD Banknorth representatives.

I apologize for the inconvenience,

Mr. Foster is only human and prone to mistakes. Sadly, he and Vice-Chair Andy Upham found fault with every little mistake made by former Town Manager Mitch Berkowitz.

Mr. Foster and Mr. Upham insisted on perfection from Berkowitz . . . should we demand nothing less than perfection from them? Of course not! It would be better for us to rise above the pettiness and accept Mr. Foster and Mr. Upham as they are.

Nathan Tsukroff