Sunday, May 28, 2006

Gray needs healing

Dear Nathan,
Thank you for reopening this blog
Lewie and I feel that GRAY needs a voice/ a place for the citizens to hear the truth of what really matters in our town~Thank you for giving us that place :-)
We are confident that our town can heal from the division that Elizabeth Prata has masterminded
The deliberate personal attacks she has inflicted have to stop

Gary Foster has positioned himself against the majority of the citizens of Gray by his recent debacle of challenging the Town Meeting Article 4 results. Not just the challenging it but his false accusations against Donnie Carroll have placed Gary in a precarious spot {to say the least} Why Gary Foster would posture himself to this level is questionable

Does anyone else see this as a problem or have an opinion they would like to share?Please feel free to email Nathan @ or Lewie & myself directly

Debbie Shaw Mancini